

Eligibility criteria.

  • Anyone whose primary need is due to disability as a result of an acquired, non-progressive brain injury, aged over 18, living in Hastings or the surrounding area.

  • Our emphasis is on rehabilitation, aimed at recovering or developing skills and assisting with community reintegration for adults with acquired, non-progressive brain injuries.

  • Our services are more suitable for people who are able to take advantage of community activities (with appropriate support). Other organisations work with other client groups and levels of dependency (e.g. children, clients with dementia or deteriorating conditions, clients with high health needs or severe behavioural difficulties).

  • Professionals involved in the ABI field from statutory and community or voluntary agencies requiring information and services.

Exclusion criteria.

  • People with dementia or other deteriorating conditions.

  • People with high levels of dependency due to health, substance misuse or severe behavioural issues.

  • People still suffering from PTA.

  • People who are incontinent (sorry - we do not have adequate waste disposal facilities).

  • People with complex mental health or learning disability needs that override their brain injury difficulties. (It may be appropriate for us to act in an advisory capacity about issues relating to their injury).

If the client needs a service that Avanti (abi) cannot deliver, (s)he will be referred to an appropriate agency with the client's consent.